Student Health Services provide a variety of medical services to 澳门新普京注册 students, ranging from preventative medicine (such as physicals, screening tests of vision and hearing, women’s and men’ sexual health, allergy shots) to acute illnesses/injury (such as acute respiratory illnesses, gastrointestinal, urinary, and genital disorders, sprains and lacerations) to chronic conditions (such as asthma, high blood pressure, and diabetes). If you have a condition that we cannot manage here, we can refer you to a specialist.

Medical Services Details

Services and Fees

Student Health Fee

Students taking at least one class on campus are charged the student health fee as part of their tuition and fees and are eligible to receive medical services at the Health Center.  Exclusively online students may choose to pay the student health fee and be eligible for services.  For more information on the services covered by the health fee, please review the chart below.

Services Covered By Student Health Fee

  • Nursing Visits
  • Pharmacist Consultations
  • Over the Counter Medications (additional charge for Plan B)
  • Allergy Injections
  • Flu Vaccine
  • Hearing Screening
  • Vision Screening
  • Blood Pressure Screening
  • Weight Check
  • Venipuncture
  • Condoms

Services Available For An Additional Fee

  • Provider Visits - $20 per visit (Physician & Nurse Practitioner)
  • In-house Laboratory Services: 
    $5 - $20 per test
  • Prescription Medications - Oral & Injectables: $5 - $125 per prescription
  • Immunizations: $35 - $150 per immunization
  • Outside Laboratory Services - Fees dictated by lab provider


Get Yourself Tested (GYT) Clinic

The GYT clinic is available to students who desire routine testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

The GYT clinic is available to students who do not have symptoms or a known exposure to an STI.

If you do have symptoms of an STI or have had a known exposure, you will need to schedule an appointment with one of our providers for proper assessment and treatment.

STI Tests and Costs:

  • Chlamydia & Gonorrhea - $45
  • HIV - $20
  • Syphilis - $15


Services Covered By Student Health Fee - Provider Visit Required*

  • Breathing Treatment
  • Pulmonary Function Test
  • Ear Irrigation
  • IV Fluids
  • Electrocardiograms (EKG)
  • Laceration Repair
  • Suture Removal
  • Wart Removal
  • Abscess Incision and Drainage

* The above services require a provider visit as they must be ordered or performed by a physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant.  The provider visit fee is $20. These additional services are covered under the health fee when performed in conjunction with a provider visit.


澳门新普京注册 Health Services is an appointment-based medical clinic.  In an effort to increase access and minimize wait times, appointments are required. Appointments can be scheduled with a provider or nurse by calling (678) 839-6452.

Students who have made an appointment with Health Services should allow adequate time for their visit so that the medical staff can provide them with the quality of care they deserve. Students should arrive at the Health Center 15 minutes prior to their scheduled appointment to allow adequate time for paperwork to be completed.  We recommend allowing at least one hour for your visit with us. Be aware that some visit types may run beyond an hour.


Appointments are required except in urgent or emergent situations. For a medical emergency, dial 911. If you present to Health Services without an appointment, the receptionist will assist you with scheduling an appointment as available. Students arriving after 4:30PM without a prescheduled appointment that are not in need of immediate attention will be directed to schedule an appointment for a later date.

Walk-ins should report to the Reception Desk and inquire as to the availability of an appointment. If an appointment is not available, you may be directed to a Triage Nurse for further evaluation. Once the nurse speaks with you and further evaluates your condition, the nurse will discuss the available treatment options with you. Being seen by a Triage Nurse does not guarantee that you will be seen by a provider that same day. Prescription medications can only be prescribed by a provider.

Appointment Cancellation Policy

When a patient cancels without giving appropriate notice, they prevent another patient from being seen. To provide you the best possible care and increase access for all our patients, please cancel your appointment at least two hours in advance, so that others may have the opportunity to be seen.

Appointments may be cancelled via phone, email or in person. Cancellation requests may be emailed to If you fail to cancel at least two hours prior to your appointment time, you will be considered a "no show." There is a $10 charge per "no show." This policy applies to provider appointments scheduled with a physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant.

If you call after hours to cancel your appointment for the next day, please call (678) 839-4163 and leave a voicemail.

No Show/Late Arrival Policy

In an effort to minimize your wait time, we have implemented the following No Show/Late Arrival Policy. If you arrive more than 10 minutes late for your appointment, or fail to come to your appointment altogether, you will be considered a "no show." There is a $10 charge per "no show." This policy applies to provider appointments scheduled with a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant.

Students who arrive after their scheduled appointment time may be asked to reschedule. If you are concerned that you may be late for your appointment, please call (678) 839-6452 to speak with a health services staff member, as we may be able to arrange an alternative appointment time.

No Show Appeal

If you believe that we have made an error in charging you for a no-show/late cancellation, or feel you deserve special consideration for such a fee, please complete the No Show Appeal Form

Medical Services - Verification of Treatment

Health Services provides health care with the intention of keeping students healthy enough to pursue their academic goals.  When appropriate, we can provide patients verification of their visit to share with employers and instructors. In certain instances related to specific injuries or illnesses, Health Services can also share our recommendations regarding whether the patient should restrict their activities.

Both the Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Policies at 澳门新普京注册 stipulate that each professor makes the final determination about how many absences are allowed, whether to offer extensions, accept make-up work, whether or not to accept coursework past the due date, whether or not the student can participate in the class via a different format (e.g. distance learning), retake a missed test, submit an assignment late, and/or exceed the published maximum number of absences. 

Most instructors define their attendance expectations in their class syllabi, and it is important for students to review those for each instructor. Health Services staff do not have the authority to “excuse” absences; therefore, we can only confirm treatment. We respectfully request that students discuss and resolve their health related classroom absences with their faculty member or instructor.

When students experience a medical, personal, or psychological concern that impacts their ability to meet academic requirements, they can meet with the Counseling Center to discuss options and explore support resources. With student permission, the counselors can assist with corroborating and communicating student concerns to instructors.

Students with ongoing health or psychological concerns are advised to speak with Accessibility Services. Upon completion of registration, Accessibility Services can assist students with classroom accommodations that are intended to offset the impact of the chronic condition.


Students taking at least one class on campus are charged the student health fee as part of their tuition and fees and are eligible to receive medical services at the Health Center. Exclusively online students may choose to pay the student health fee and be eligible for services. You may check your health fee status via your Self-Service Banner account.

To check your fee status:

  1. Log into Self-Service Banner
  2. Select Student Services & Financial Aid
  3. Select Student Account
  4. Select Account Summary by Term
  5. Locate the Health Fee and balance

Medical services include nursing and physician services, laboratory tests and medications available in the Health Services pharmacy. Although many conditions can be treated by Health Center personnel, it is sometimes necessary to refer a student to a specialist or another facility for diagnostic services. Whenever this occurs, the student must assume responsibility for the fees incurred.

Who can seek treatment at 澳门新普京注册 Health Services?

  • Currently enrolled students who have paid the $101 Health Fee or elect to pay the $101 Health Fee.
  • Student-employees will be considered students and must pay the student health fee to be seen at Health Services
  • Faculty/Staff: Current employees of 澳门新普京注册. Health Services will not treat retirees or family of faculty and staff

How are appointments made?

  • Call 678-839-6452 to check for appointment availability.

Will follow up be done at Health Services?

  • Yes. Health Services does follow up with students

What kind of medications will not be prescribed?

  • No prescriptions or refills of “scheduled” drugs such as anxiety medications (Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, etc), sleep medications (Ambien, Lunesta, etc), opioid pain medications (Hydrocodone, oxycodone, tramadol, etc) will be given.

Can medications be purchased at the Health Services pharmacy?

  • Prescribed medications can be filled at the pharmacy at low or no cost.

How much does it cost to be seen?

  • To see a provider (MD or Nurse Practitioner) it is $20 per visit. Nurse visits are free for students.

What happens if I miss my appointment?

  • Students are charged $10 for missing an appointment

What tests can I get done at Health Services? How much do they cost?

  • In-house Laboratory Services: $5 - $20 per test

What procedures can I have performed at Health Services (these procedures are covered through the Student Health Fee)

  • I.V. Fluids
  • Suturing of Laceration
  • Ingrown Toenail Removal
  • Freezing of Warts
  • Lancing of Abscess

Does the clinic have X-ray or ultrasound capabilities?

  • Currently, Health Services does not offer these services
  • The 澳门新普京注册 provider at his/her discretion may order an outpatient study if they feel it is necessary

Will Mental Health/Advocacy be offered?



Patients receiving health care services at the Health Center and pharmacy at The University of West Georgia have certain privacy rights granted by Georgia law and by a federal privacy law protecting the privacy of patient education records called the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).  The purpose of this notice is to assure you of the Health Center's compliance with these laws and to provide information about the confidentiality protections provided to you based on our policy.